New Updates: Recent Changes In Planndu Android App

For the past few months, our team has been working hard on taking Planndu to the next level, and finally, you”ll get to see the outcomes. We are proud to introduce the new Android version 0.7.2.
At the same time, we are happy to announce that we have lowered our premium prices by 50%! Check out the premium version and unlock all the advanced features to get even more focused.

Here are the highlights of the changes:

New widget – We completely rewrote our tasks widget, and now your tasks are clickable, it takes you directly to the edit screen. It’s more visible and accessible as you can change the widget’s size to anything you want. In future releases, we plan to add the focus, and calendar widgets, so stay tuned!


Start focus – You can now start focusing on your task directly from the “new task” screen or the main screen’s task using a long click and then options. Note: This feature is only accessible to premium users.

Start focus

Progress chart – We replaced our leveling system with a chart in the profile screen, now you can see how many points you earned per day, and scroll between the different weeks. We think that peeking at your progress gives you more drive, you can receive more satisfaction which eventually leads to more productivity.


Green theme – If you’re not satisfied with the default theme, we added a brand new green theme just for the Christmas spirit. You can now choose between blue, yellow, and green themes according to your mood Note: Available only for premium users.


We want to thank all our beta testers for sharing their experience and giving us crucial feedback!
Your opinion matters to us and will be considered in future releases. Our goal stays helping everyone become more focused and productive, and we plan to expand to more platforms very soon.

We’d love to hear how you use the new features, so share your todo lists with us on Twitter @planndu