How to Stay Focused and Get Into Deep Concentration

The ability to focus deeply can be a life changer for your career and life. For most people, staying focused is not easy, considering all the distractions in modern life. It’s common to feel procrastination and have trouble getting into the zone. The good news is that you can train your brain to achieve deep concentration. To accomplish this, here are the 5 steps you need to follow:

1. Motivation is not enough

For most of us, motivation is the key to success. However, motivation doesn’t always last long enough to reach our goals. Willpower is a finite resource, and eventually, it will run out. Motivation is what gets you started but to keep going is discipline, routines, and habits.
Instead of focusing on rewards, try working on consistency, minimizing distraction, and developing new habits that will support your long-term goals.

2. Schedule time for deep focus

You need a system that will help you eliminate decision fatigue. It could be any kind of software that supports scheduling. You should find an hour in the day when you feel that you are performing at your best, and have scheduled time blocks saved for deep focus. It provides many new opportunities to get your most complicated tasks done, deliver better quality, and increase creativity.

3. Define a specific goal

If you want to make meaningful changes in your productivity, there’s a way to set goals. Goal setting should be methodical, to keep you on track and prevent you from losing sight of what you want to accomplish. Your goals should foster a sense of purpose during the process and once you accomplish them. Not only that, but they should also guide you through each step so that you know exactly what to do.

4. Start with a small step at a time

It’s not possible to be in deep focus for an extended period in any case, especially when focusing on something complicated. Even a session of 10 minutes of deeply focused work can make a true difference in your checklist. Lucky for you, some apps and techniques can help you maintain that deep focus, customizing the cycles of work and breaks with zero distractions.

5. Find what works for you

Some focus better when working with short bursts, and others prefer stretching their time and then taking longer breaks. Everyone’s mind is wired differently, and you should try as many techniques as possible. Approaching it like a science experiment will help you find the magic formula that will make the difference.

For many of us, it’s challenging to look past the urgent work we do every day and ask what could make us more productive. With the Planndu app, you can regain control of your time. Start blocking distractions with the Pomodoro timer, schedule your day, make priorities and enjoy the better quality of life that embracing deep concentration will bring.