
The Importance of Aligning Your Goals With Your Values

Aligning Your goals with your values

Have you ever achieved a goal only to feel strangely empty afterward? Many people experience this when they set goals based on societal expectations or fleeting desires, only to find that reaching them doesn’t bring the anticipated satisfaction. The secret…

The Most Common Myths About Being Productive

Productivity myths

Productivity, in its essence, goes beyond the mere act of being busy—it’s the skill of accomplishing more with less, by ensuring that your efforts align with your goals. This blog aims to debunk prevalent myths surrounding productivity that often misguide…

Let’s Give Planndu a Warm Welcome!

Planndu todo tasks reminder

Hey there, The wait is finally over! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Planndu – the ultimate productivity app for Android. With Planndu, you can organize your time and stay focused on your goals. Months of hard work have…