
Get More Done with Planndu’s Pomodoro Focus Timer

Pomodoro focus timer

Do you need help to stay focused and productive throughout the day? Whether you’re tackling personal tasks, studying for exams, or working on important projects, our task management app’s Pomodoro focus timer is here to help. This tool can revolutionize…

Level Up Your Focus: The Cognitive Benefits of Games

Benefits of Games

Say goodbye to brain fog and release your inner focus with games that sharpen your concentration. We’ve uncovered just the thing to help you level up your focus and get back on track: games! When carefully selected, games aren’t for…

How Certain Scents Impact Focus and Well-being

Scents for focus and well-being

Certain scents can change our mood and help us relax or focus. It’s amazing how something as simple as a pleasant aroma can have such a big impact on how we feel and how well we can concentrate. Certain smells…

Planndu Update Version 1.0.6

Planndu updates

We are excited to introduce you to the newest updates in our app, specifically focusing on the enhancements to our calendar and focus features. Let’s dive in and see how these changes can improve how you work and manage your…

How to Fuel Your Productivity with Healthy Food

Increase productivity with healthy food

We often find ourselves reaching for quick, processed foods – those pre-packaged snacks, fast food meals, or microwaveable dinners that promise to save us precious minutes in our busy day. On the surface, it seems like a smart time-management strategy.…