Inspiring Stories from Planndu Users

At Planndu, we’re dedicated to understanding our users’ experiences and continuously improving our app. Through in-depth video interviews, we’ve gained valuable insights into how Planndu is transforming lives while also identifying areas for growth. Here’s what we learned from our diverse group of users:

Sarah: The Organized Scholar

Sarah, a 20-year-old biology major at State University, shared how Planndu revolutionized her academic life. “Before Planndu, my whiteboard was absolute chaos,” Sarah laughed, gesturing to the now-organized board behind her. “Now, look at this. My genetics assignment is in red because it’s due tomorrow, while my study group meeting is in blue. The app even reminds me to hit the gym three times a week – no more excuses!”

Sarah’s enthusiasm was evident as she scrolled through her color-coded tasks. “Planndu hasn’t just helped me manage my time, It’s given me back my confidence. I’m ahead in most of my classes now and have time for a social life. Who knew?”

Improvement Suggestions:
While Sarah loves Planndu, she has one key idea for enhancement. “I’d appreciate the ability to create my custom groups within the app,” she suggested. “This would allow me to organize my tasks and assignments in a way that works best for my personal study style and course load.” Sarah felt that having the option to make new groups herself would significantly improve her ability to tailor the app to her specific needs and workflow.

Other Apps Used:
Before Planndu, Sarah tried several study-focused apps like Forest and MyStudyLife. “They were okay, but Planndu just feels more comprehensive,” she explained. “Still, I miss Forest’s tree-growing motivation feature. It would be cool if Planndu had something similar to gamify productivity.”


David: The Streamlined Freelancer

David, a 29-year-old freelance web developer, demonstrated how Planndu transformed his workflow. During our Google Meet session, he showcased the contrast between his previous chaotic system and Planndu’s clean interface. “Now, see this Kanban-style board? I can drag tasks from ‘To-Do’ to ‘In Progress’ to ‘Done.’ It’s so satisfying to see that progress,” David explained.

He particularly praised the focus timer feature: “This feature? It’s gold. I set it for 25-minute sprints when I’m coding. There are no distractions, just pure focus. My productivity has skyrocketed.”

Improvement Suggestions:
As his business grows, David sees room for expansion in Planndu. “As I start working with larger teams, it would be great if Planndu could offer more advanced project management features for group collaboration,” he noted. David also expressed interest in more integrations: “Connections with tools like GitHub or Trello would streamline my workflow even further.”

Other Apps Used:
David previously used Asana for project management. “They’re great for team collaboration, but felt overwhelming for personal use,” he explained. “If Planndu could incorporate some of its advanced features while maintaining its user-friendly interface, it would be perfect.”


Esme: The Family Coordinator

Esme, a 34-year-old marketing executive and mother of two, shared how Planndu brought order to her family life. During our Zoom call, we witnessed her effortlessly managing her children’s activities while maintaining our conversation. “Before Planndu, this time of day was pure mayhem,” Esme confided. “Now, everything’s organized and accessible.”

Esme highlighted Planndu’s shared lists feature as a game-changer. “It’s like we’re finally on the same team,” she laughed. “No more ‘I thought you were picking up milk’ arguments. Everything’s right here, and we both have access.” We even saw her son add “new cleats” to their shared shopping list during the call. “Planndu has made our family feel more connected and less stressed. We’re not just managing our time better; we’re enjoying it more,” Esme concluded.

Improvement Suggestions:
While Planndu works well for her family, Esme sees potential for home-related enhancements. “The shared lists are great, but I’d love to see more templates specifically designed for home chores,” she suggested. “It would be really helpful to have pre-made templates for things like weekly cleaning schedules, seasonal maintenance tasks, or even meal planning.”

Other Apps Used:
Esme previously relied on HomeRoutines for managing household chores. “HomeRoutines was great for keeping track of daily and weekly cleaning tasks,” she explained. However, Planndu offered her the ability to manage both her household and work responsibilities in one place, streamlining her organizational efforts and making it easier to keep track of everything in a centralized system.


Olivia: The Mindful Content Creator

Content creator Olivia, 30, shared how Planndu impacted her well-being beyond task management. She showcased the app’s gratitude journal template during our Google Meet interview. “I was skeptical about this at first,” Olivia admitted. “But taking just two minutes each morning to jot down three things I’m grateful for… it’s changed my entire outlook.”

Olivia’s experience highlights Planndu’s holistic approach. “It’s not about big, life-changing events,” she explained. “It’s about noticing the small, good things that are already there.” She summed up her experience poignantly: “Planndu started as a way to organize my work tasks, but it’s become so much more.”

Improvement Suggestions:
Olivia suggested expanding Planndu’s mindfulness features. “It would be nice to have prompts or themes to inspire reflection on days when I’m feeling stuck.”

Other Apps Used:
Before Planndu, Olivia used a combination of TickTick for task management and Headspace for mindfulness. “Planndu’s interface is more user-friendly and visually appealing than TickTick”.


These interviews have provided invaluable insights into how Planndu is making a difference in our users’ lives while also highlighting areas for growth. We’re committed to addressing these suggestions, from expanding group functionality and integrations to incorporating more mindfulness features and advanced task management options.

As we continue to evolve Planndu, we’re grateful for the candid feedback from our users. Download Planndu now and experience the difference that thoughtful, user-centric task management can make!